Friday 25 May 2007

The Silver Lining

After I posted my tale of woe about the overly strict diet my human subjected me to, I decided that, in all fairness, I should also tell you about the good things that came out of that ordeal.

I must admit that, while staring at my empty food tray for hours at a time was a very traumatic experience, it was all worth it in the end. I felt very good after losing the extra weight. My new lightness was exhilarating, and it made me much more active and energetic. I am not sure that my human had completely anticipated the effect my newfound energy would have on the house, though...

My appearance also improved a lot. I am still fluffy, of course, but I am no longer fluffy.

There are other benefits as well:

While washing myself, I can once again reach every part of my body.

I can fit into tiny spaces, and lounge on (mostly empty) bookshelves.

I can hide among shopping bags, or inside paper bags.

I can hide inside other bags as well... or under other bags...

I can fit inside big boxes ...

...and inside small boxes too...

...and as for those really tiny boxes, I can... well, OK, I can't fit into those. What do you think I am, a 2-week old kitten?

So, as you can see, dieting is not all bad. After losing weight you feel more adventurous, you cause more trouble, and you are able to squeeze into many new hiding places, which is very useful when your human comes home and sees what new mischief you've been up to in her absence.

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